Glowlac Thinnerare used for many tasks including cleaning, softening, thinning and extending. It’s useful to know which one to use, when cleaning brushes and equipment or for thinning paint when spraying
Glowlac Paint
Glowlac High Gloss Thinner 1Litre and 5Litre
Glowlac Thinnerare used for many tasks including cleaning, softening, thinning and extending. It’s useful to know which one to use, when cleaning brushes and equipment or for thinning paint when spraying
Glowlac Paint
Glowlac High Gloss P.T Super Star Solvent 1Litre and 5Litre
Glowlac Solvent are used for many tasks including cleaning, softening, thinning and extending. It’s useful to know which one to use, when cleaning brushes and equipment or for thinning paint when spraying